Steam Audio (phonon) implementation for jMonkeyEngine.
I am Riccardo Balbo, a freelance developer.
I develop full stack web applications, software, iot and more.
Feel free to contact me for a quote or for more information.
Steam Audio (phonon) implementation for jMonkeyEngine.
This is a library that uses EffekseerForMultiLanguages to load and render effects made with Effekseer in jme.
An FPS demo made with jMonkeyEngine
Java bindings for V-HACD (
A minimalistic immediate gui for jmonkeyengine
This is a library that uses java bindings for Khaled Mamou's V-HACD to decompose concave meshes into hull-shapes in jmonkey engine.
JCubemapAssembler is a java application that can be used to assemble six separate face images into a single cubemap and export it as a dds file.
DDSWriter is a command-line utility and java library to write compressed and uncompressed DDS.
jMonkeyEngine is an OpenGL+Java 3d game engine to which i contributed as core developer.