jmePhonon : Steam® Audio for jMonkeyEngine

Steam® Audio (phonon) implementation for jMonkeyEngine.
Supported platforms
- Linux 64bit
- OSX (64bit)
- Windows 64bit
plugins {
id "io.github.0ffz.github-packages" version "1.2.1"
repositories {
maven githubPackage.invoke("jmePhonon")
compile(group: 'com.jme3.phonon', name: 'jme_phonon', version: VERSION, ext: 'jar', classifier: '')
- I want to use jmePhonon
- I want to develop jmePhonon
The code in this repo is released under the BSD-3-Clause license, see for more details.
Legal note
Please ensure that you have read and understood and expecially legal/
This code uses Steam® Audio SDK, that is a closed source library licensed under the VALVE CORPORATION STEAM® AUDIO SDK LICENSE.
Steam® is a trademark or registered trademark of Valve Corporation in the United States of America and elsewhere
Steam® Audio, Copyright 2017 – 2018, Valve Corp. All rights reserved.